Wavelength, dose and power – are the most important variables affecting the benefits of laser therapy.

Information about class 4 laser therapy (or photobiomodulation) is circulating in conferences, journals, and materials distributed by laser therapy manufacturers, making it difficult to distinguish which data points are the most valuable and relevant.When considering a class 4 system, the…

Read MoreWavelength, dose and power – are the most important variables affecting the benefits of laser therapy.

Laser Therapy For Pain

Before understanding the mechanism of laser therapy for pain, let us start with how the feeling of pain is produced.Many diseases are accompanied by pain. When the body is strongly stimulated by the outside world or endogenous stimulation, when the…

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Laser Acupuncture

Laser acupuncture: everything you need to know What is laser acupuncture and how is it different from traditional acupuncture? Low-level laser therapy acupuncture is defined as the stimulation of traditional acupuncture points with low-intensity, laser irradiation instead of needles. The…

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Laser Fundamentals

The term “laser” is an acronym that stands for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”, and describes a device that emits radiation in the form of a flow of photons of light energy. Therapeutic laser has been referred to…

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